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Monthly Wine Box
  • Colour: Red
  • Box size: 2 bottles
  • Collection or Delivery: Collection
  • How to proceed?

    1. Kindly read the T&C below.
    2. Select your Box - Colours - Delivery mode.
    3. Go to Checkout and choose the payment method for your first box.
    4. Done! You'll receive an email as soon as your box is ready.
    5. And for the next months? After confirming your purchase we will send you an email in order to complete the direct debit for your future boxes.
  • Subscription Terms and Conditions

    PRICES: All boxes include a minimum discount of 5% compared to the shop.

    NO CONTRACT: You can stop your subscription at any time by sending an email exclusively to (before the 20th of the month to be applied the following month).

    FLEXIBILITY: Switch to any other offer at any time by sending an email exclusively to (before the 20th of the month to be applied the following month).

    DELIVERY: Select the delivery you would like for the next months (fees can apply - click on "delivery" tap to find out more).

    PAYMENT: Will be taken by direct debit the 1st of each month or on the next business day to be delivered or collected from the 10th.

    BOXES: Contains the bottles + a discount coupon of 10% valid on the selection you have received + tasting notes (through a QR code) + exclusive offers we may offer at this time.

    GIFT: Please contact us if you wish to offer a subscription to someone else, we can offer 3, 6 months subscription or more as well as arrange a bespoke subscription for you.